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Non-performing assets is a serious problem in the Indian banking sector. It is the major concern of the commercial banks. Profitability of the bank is affected by the increase in NPA. The increase in NPA has a direct impact on the profitability of the banks. Performance of the bank is reflected through the NPA. The non-performing assets have been constantly increasing. An endeavour is made in this paper to understand the perception, expectation, repayment intention of the customer and the bank employees through primary research by using questionnaire. The study was conducted using correlation, regression analysis and chi-square test. It is concluded that there is no significant impact of banker’s perception on payback intention of the customers but there is significant impact of customer perception on payback intention. There is no relation between the gender and the repayment intention of the loan borrowers. Majority of the education loan borrowers in the sample are not aware of the government subsidy available but they expect subsidy from the government if provided.

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