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It is already true that Big Data has drawn huge attention from researchers in information sciences, policy and decision makers in governments and enterprises. As the speed of information growth exceeds Moore’s Law at the beginning of this new century, excessive data is making great troubles to human beings. However, there are so much potential and highly useful values hidden in the huge volume of data. A new scientific paradigm is born as dataintensive scientific discovery (DISD), also known as Big Data problems. A large number of fields and sectors, ranging from economic and business activities to public administration, from national security to scientific researches in many areas, involve with Big Data problems. On the one hand, Big Data is extremely valuable to produce productivity in businesses and evolutionary breakthroughs in scientific disciplines, which give us a lot of opportunities to make great progresses in many fields. There is no doubt that the future competitions in business productivity and technologies will surely converge into the Big Data explorations. On the other hand, Big Data also arises with many challenges, such as difficulties in data capture, data storage, data analysis and data visualization.

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