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Sex is a taboo in Indian life, and violence is considered an atrocity on the placidity of life. So there is a dearth of description of sex and violence in Indian writing. Both are eschewed out of fear and prejudice. Of course, it is not the whole truth. Ancient writers were not afraid of describing these two basic realities of life. A host of women novelists like Anita Desai, R.P. Jhabvala, KamalaMarkandaya came out with their novels in English. Although they did not imitate their male counterparts, they could not escape the changing times. They started writing after Independence and their novels depict the post- Independence themes like power politics, sexual politics, gender discrimination, socioeconomic insecurity and inequality, caused by shift in power politics and rapid change from traditional life to industrial life. They also showed their concern for man- woman relationships, which was considered a taboo since long, never to be discussed in public, let alone in literature. Women no more remained behind the 'purdah.'

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