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In 'Manusmrati' the status granted to women is quite visible and she was put to the lowest rug of humanity as she was treated at par with the animals and slave by the proprietors of Hindu Dharma. Manusmriti as a major source, which legitimizes the denial of freedom, self respect, right to education, property, divorce etc., to women by attributing a very lofty ideal to them. In the name sanskaras, the Hindu women are tied up with the bondage of superstitions, which they carry till their death. They are also responsible for inculcating these wrong notions learnt by them through baseless traditions and preaching of the Shastras in the budding minds of their offspring. Socially discarded for a long period of time, they are compelled to live a vulnerable life, be it economic education health and all other areas that fall under basic needs.  The word Dalit itself connotes the lowest strata of the society in all the aspects, a term which is condemnable itself.  One has to go back to its history to understand the situation of the Dalits.  Based on the Hindu caste system the total social system is divided into hierarchies since long; where people are divided into various castes and ethnic groups.

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