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Health is Wealth, Health does not always comes from medicine. It comes from medicine. It comes from Peace of mind, Peace in the heart, peace in the soul, unconditional love, selfless service, self analysis of his own mind and finally above all mental well being of a person. Yoga means individual consciousness, with the supreme consciousness and it involves eight limbs as per Hastanga Yoga Yama (abstinances), Niyama, Asana (Self improvement) and Physical Fitness) Pranayama, Pratayahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi. Regular Practice of Astango Yoga leads to self realization of own self. The ultimate goal of Yoga and mental well being is to lead a holistic way of life leading to a state of complete vital, mental, social and spiritual well being and harmony with nature. Yoga is a systematic way and technology to improve the body understand the mind and free of spirit.

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