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 In words of Swami Vivekananda “the idea of perfect womanhood is perfect independence.” In today’s era, women have overcome so many obstacles to raise her status through education, confidence, disciplined attitude, hard work, and forward thinking. These have led them to play a vital role in all fields like education, sports, science, politics, financial management, andservices. The current set up of advancement in technology, modern kitchen appliances, own transport facilities, have changed the job seeker women to women entrepreneur. Women entrepreneurs are who provide jobs for men and womenmany women entrepreneurs are successful in food industry, trading, production, and services like beauty parlour, schools, training institute and recently online business. Though they are successful entrepreneurs they undergo varied stress like finance, multiple duties, lack of mobility, discrimination by society,less family support, competitive challenges which is high compared to men. This kind of stress affects them mentally and physically which doesn’t allow them to reach their specified goal. This paper examines the causes of stress faced by women entrepreneurs in Trichy.

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