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In this Paper we will discuss about the planning in India specially by the approach of P. C. Mahalanobis a great statistician of India. And what are his objectives for the planning in India, how it is different from earlier other models, why the planning is necessary specially for third world economies like-: India.

In the second part we will try to analyses, what we call Mahalanobis Model, is it a Growth Model or an Allocation Model. As he first gave Two-Sector Model I.e. Allocations of resources or investments into two components; Industries producing capital goods (K-sector) and consumer goods (c-sector). After that he gave Four-Sector Model in which allocation of resources or investments into four components i.e. Industries producing capital goods (K- sector) and industries producing consumer goods and services divided into three different sectors, namely, factory production of Consumer goods (sector C.1); the production of consumer goods (including agricultural products) in small and household industries (sector C. 2); and services such as Health, Education etc.

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