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Internet banking is getting more influence from all categories of people andorganizations nowadays. It is working with the help of high end electronic gadgets by the technological advancements. The banks under Reserve Bank of India offer many options to the deaf people to easy asses with banks. The RBI had been receiving several suggestions to make branches and ATMs easily accessible to people with disabilities. The services with the bank are not well function because of lack of awareness programme or service assistants even though accessible banking is a social responsibility to these people.  With the lack of technological options for the hearing impaired, they are unable to access internet banking facilities. So that the bank must provide latest ways to deaf people to maintain their life simple as other people in the society. Banks must install new user friendly applications to deaf people as deaf friendly counters in bank and lips speaker services and it should conduct sensitization and training programmes for the staff and train them about the needs of customers with disabilities. The bank should provide simple instructions in ATMs and websites.

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