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Language acquisition is a psychological process. Mother tongue is acquired in a natural way in natural order of language skills. In case of second language learning and acquisition it gets complicated. In Indian scenario the English as a Second Language (ESL) situation is even more so. When the issue of L1 interference is considered in ESL situation a psychological approach seems to provide a clearer view into identifying the actual impediments in learning. English orthography is found quite different to the orthographic structure of any Indian language. The concept of spelling as part of English Orthography is often identified as a major impediment in learning English. The ESL status in India is not uniform and varies in different regions.The ESL status in India has undergone a lot of studies and perennial efforts to bring the standard of English Teaching to an acceptable standard at the national level without regional differences have been found inadequate to a considerable extent. This paper attempts to study researches made at the impact of individual languages and trying to get a comprehensive view to identify the commonality in impediments.

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