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Employee engagement is an unedited term in the field of human resource management. It helps the organization to gain a competitive advantage and the best performance. Engagement has become synonymous with terms like involvement, commitment, passion, enthusiasm, absorption, focus effort, and dedication. Employee engagement means how deeper he himself involved towards the work and is satisfied with the outcome of his work alone with the organizationalgrowth. Engaged employee may work harder and self-motivated towards the work and being more creative and productive. On the other hand, HR has to notice the generational differences in the workplace.The term generation refers to “the generational cohorts or groups, who belong to the same age group, experience or will experience accordingly the similar life experience in the years they may shape their lives.”  Now generation Z, are ready to occupy the work place with the vibrant ideas and they are the real digital kids.In this article we discussed the generational difference on employee engagement. Generation creates differences. In recent years, the engagement level of the employee may differ or get changes due to the entry of modern generation of employees in the workplace.

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