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Every human being are giving more importance to comfortable life, it is behind of their income. Cost of living is increase gradually the same affect their income, some time consumers demand more salary to meet out the cost of living. But the cost of living increase more than the income, so the consumers are running to earn more. Population influence the demand, it is great opportunity to manufacturer to increase production to earn more profits. There is more demand for agricultural products, so that research help to produce more agricultural products.  Following are the objectives of the study (i) to present the socio economic factors of sample consumers. (ii) to find the variables of awareness and find the regular usage fruits and vegetable and (iii) to find the relationship between the socio economic factors and consumer attitude of organic vegetables.  The study concluded that People are aware of organic products, but it not affordable for all income group, middle class people are also buy the organic products but very limited products.

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