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The Vision of the Department of Agricultural Marketing & Agri Business is to ensure fair price to the farming community who are left behind in the competitive marketing scenario and the mission of achieving this is by enforcing the existing act and rules most effectively and also by devising, implementing new technologies aimed at reducing pre and post harvest losses through appropriate methods and encourage value addition. The main objectives of the study are to find out the various problems faced by the Agricultural growers and to identify the factors influencing the satisfaction of the growers. Under these main objectives have been framed for the present study. (i) to study the various marketing activities involved in Tamilnadu Agricultural Marketing. (ii) to evaluate the marketing practices followed by the growers of the selected Crops. and (iii) to analyze the various problems faced by the Agricultural growers in Tamilnadu. Data have been collected by survey method. The sample farmers are interviewed personally with the help of well designed and pre-tested schedule to elicit accurate and reliable data with minimum errors. Owing to non-response to some questions and non-co-operation of the sample farmers, 86 have been ignored. Thus, the total sample farmer is 500.

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