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In the modern globalized world of cut throat competition, where each organization is struggling for markets hare and profitability, th eexpectations from employees at all levels have increased. They are expected to work longer hours, work even from home, be accessible at all times on mobiles and laptops, travel frequently and keep connected to the team to ensure results. This concern for results often leads to encroachment of family time and personal time thus disturbing balance of life.Work Life Balance (WLB) can be defined as an effective and efficient way of managing various responsibilities at work, at home and other areas of daily life. WLB is an important issue of concern not only for the employees but also for the organizations which have to suffer its negative consequences in the form of low morale leading to low productivity and high attrition rate. In the intensely competitive business environment ,organizations are expected to raise productivity, which inter-alia requires employees with enhanced work life balance so that they can have better work engagement.

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