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            Health is an essential input for the development of human resources and ultimately for the social and economic development of the nation. It is a national asset and basic to sustain as well as to stimulate optimum level of efficiency. Now-a-days it is widely recognized that human capital plays a dominant role in the context of economic development health is a greater importance from the point of view of both individuals and the nation. Indian Tribal is traditional, conservative and under- privileged people. They are socially and economically weaker and live in a subsistence economy and general backwardness. This is because of their ill - health which is a cause and consequence of poverty. The objectives of the study are (i) to study the socio- economic conditions of tribal women in Kolli hills. (ii) to analyse the health and hygiene among the tribal women in Kolli hills and  (iii) to find out the problems faced in accessibility of health services by these women. This paper covers three tribal villages of Kolli hills in Namakkal district.

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