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The Banking sector is one of the vital components of the financial system. The sector provides financial services not only to the industry but also to the agriculture and household sectors. Indian banking sector is an important component of Indian financial system. It has a strong impact on the economic development and growth of the nation. The present study is made to measure the financial position, performance and efficiency of the largest public sector bank (SBI) and private sector bank (HDFC). The objective of the study is to identify financial position and performance of the selected banks and to examine whether any significant difference exists in their performance. The study is based on secondary data which has been collected from annual reports of the selected banks covering a period of five years from 2013-14 to 2017- 18. The CAMEL model has been used to assess the financial strength of the selected banks. T-test has been used on the important parameters like capital adequacy, asset quality, management efficiency, earnings ability and liquidity to draw the conclusion the study.

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