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The growth of the Indian Economy is  depended  on the development  of  the Indian steel industry. The growth rate of Gross Domestic Product in India in the year 2018 is 6.81%. Among all the various sectors, the contribution by the steel sectors to the national GDP is 2%. The production and earning levels of the steel industry are the key elements to analyze the economic development after the service sector which contributes more than 50% to the GDP of our country. In the global level, according to the world steel association, India stands in third position (106.5 MT) after China (928.3 MT) and United States (168.2 MT).  By the Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) from the period 2014 – 15 to 2018-19, the consumption level of Steel and its production has been in increasing trend. However, the financial growth of this sector is not at a remarkable level due to the uncontingencies in its operations.

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