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This paper focuses on Dowry as Social Evil. It traces ‘Dowry’, ‘Dowry Deaths, and ‘Dowry Violence’ towards the women society and ensure the equal rights for framing a new awareness program. Also, it traced the various systems, actions, achievements and failures, grievances and other practices as well as marriage institutional data that indicate the existence of Dowry in India. Dowry is a social evil nobody can say from which date that social evil prevail in our society. In ancient time there was eight forms of marriage prevail in our society out of these eight forms of marriage four forms of marriage were approved forms and other four were unapproved forms. In approving forms of marriage gift is given as a symbol of love and affection, with the time the position of gift went on changing adversely and consequently evil dowry spread his branches in the society. In India, there is a tendency to club most marital violence under the overall heads of ‘Dowry’, ‘Dowry Deaths’ and ‘Dowry Violence’. This categorization glosses over the other causes of violence which context. However, to argue that dowry is not always the cause of discord is not to ignore the fact that it is one of the major factors responsible for domestic violence. While keeping this fact in mind it is necessary to work towards a fuller understanding of the institution of dowry and its impact on inter-family relationships.

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