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Through a comprehensive, proactive safety and health management systemworkplace hazards can be reduced to a greater extent. A safety and health management system is a proactive, collaborative process to find and fix workplace hazards before employees are injured or become ill. The benefits of implementing safety and health management systems include protecting workers, saving money, and making all hazard-specific programs more effective. A detailed information and training about workplace hazards, methods to prevent them, must be imparted to the staff during induction program.It is not just doctors, nurses, and medical workers who are exposed to such health hazards and risks, other people working in health care facilities are also facing similar hazards for example, people working in the Bio-Medical department, mechanical maintenance, food service, laundry, housekeeping, and administrative staff have reported injuries and illnesses in the workplace.In hospitals, prioritizing safety in the environment of care reaps important additional benefits through improved quality of patient care.The management must take the responsibility to make the workplace as safe as possible for the workers. Employees are required to ensure that they take reasonable care to protect their own safety, health and welfare at work and report to their employer anything potentially dangerous at work of which they become aware.Though it is hardly possible to eliminate the risks associated with the health care, these safety tips will help workers to avoid extreme situation and reduce the risks.

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