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E-Governance suffer a lot in Jammu and Kashmir from last 4-5 months .The regionĀ  being in the initiating stage for e=governance requires meticulous planning, adequate projects resources sizing and execution. Failure at any level of projectconceptualization, planning, maintenance and updating will be a bottleneck in the e-governance success. After revoking article 370 under Jammu Kashmir reorginisationAct 2019 the blockade in internet communication from last 4-5 months in region impact on e- governance working in the region and suffer a lot in services delivering system of the government not only this but also impact on business sector public privates institutions, administrative activities as well as citizens daily life, all sector shutdown and fail to provide basic services to the peoples. Educationalinstitution, transport sector also suffer.E- Governance as a dream foe peoples from few months. The failure of E- Governance in the region creating some sort of negativity in peoples mind related government policies in public service delivery, its seem a failure from administrative side in the region. Effective services delivery is the motto of government, which fail again in theregion.

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