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Intense competition for world markets and increasing sophistication of foreign consumers has led to a need for more sophisticated advertising strategies. Increased costs, problems of coordinating advertising programs in multiple countries, and a desire for a common worldwide company or product image have caused MNC’s to seek greater control and efficiency without sacrificing local responsiveness. In the quest for more effective and responsive promotion programs, policies covering centralized or decentralized authority, use single or multiple foreign or domestic agencies, appropriation and allocation procedures, copy, media and research are all being examined. One of the most widely debated policy areas pertain to the degree of advertising variation necessary form country to country. One view sees advertising customized for each country or region because every country is seen as posing a special problem. Executives with this viewpoint argue that only way to achieve adequate and relevant advertising is to develop separate campaigns for each country. At the other extreme are those who suggest that advertising should be standardized for all markets of the world overlooking regional differences altogether.

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