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In every age, the comprehension of the Quran has been a topic of investigation or debate. Several scholars have applied a unique style or methods for interpreting Quranic teachings in the 20th century. Among them are Abul A’la Maududi, Hameeduddin Farahi, Ashraf Ali Thanvi, Mohd Shafi Uthmani, Abul Kalam Azad, and Sanaullah Amritsari. Besides these interpreters, many others did not write a commentary or exegeses of the Quran, but a more significant part of their works shows an inclusive Quranic contribution. Syed Sulaiman Nadvi is one of those who did not write any Quranic commentary, but his all works indicate his general comprehension of the Quran and his contribution in increasing the Quranic understanding and teachings throughout the nation. This study has been conducting to analyze Syed Nadvi's thoughtful approach inQuranic understanding, with such accuracy in which the Quran was revealed. Syed Nadvi was a prolific personality of the 20th century; his immense contribution in various subjects makes him a profound writer and speaker.

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