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Transgender An umbrella term for people whose gender identity and/or gender expression differs from their birth sex. Transgender is not treated as a normal human being in society. The person born with any sexual abnormality should be recognized as such with the entire available constitutional, legal and civil rights including the right to work. Legally the Constitution of India protects certain rights of citizens and persons. Every person has a right to life and personal liberty. Every person means male, female and any person amongst the sexual minorities. It does not mean that only males or females have such rights. They were legally granted voting rights as a third sex in 1994. Due to the alleged legal ambiguity of the procedure, Indian transgender individuals do not have access to safe medical facilities. In India, there is a host of socio-cultural groups of transgender people like hijras, kinnars, and other transgender identities like, shiv-Shaktis, jogtas, jogappas, Aradhis, Sakhi, etc. However, these socio-cultural groups are not the only transgender people, but there may be those who do not belong to any of the groups but are transgender persons this paper discussed transgender rights and all.

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