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Sexual harassment violates the rights of women which include their right to liberty, life and equality. Like as in india, most of the men treats women as their property and don’t let them to live their life as they want. Humiliating, stress, defamation, panic attacks, sleeplessness, nightmares, shame, guilt, loss of motivation, isolation, backlash stress etc are some of the effects which are caused to the victims through sexual harassment. Like, the latest movie ‘chhapaak[1] has acknowledged the pain of the victim laxmi agarwal, where a man throws acid on her face on a public street in New Delhi; movie ‘pink[2] shows the humiliation and pain suffered by four women just because of saying ‘no’ or ‘refusing’ men from engaging in sexual activity. The supreme court incorporated basic principles of human right within Article 14,15,19(1)(g) and 21 which is declared as law under Article 141 of the constitution. Though the law is implemented but still presence of such harassment acts is common in india where women is sexually harassed in every twelve minutes[3].As harassment cannot disappear its own, so some of the effective steps must be taken by government like:- anti – harassment policies must be taken into consideration,  examination by public and employer (where women works),women must be support by public or law, and also women must confront these problems  immediately so that such problems can be resolved and sort.


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