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This paper analyzes the use of electronic resources by the Engineering college faculties of Pudukkottai district in Tamil Nadu .The different forms of E-resources such as e-journals,standards, reports patents, trade reports are available on the web which are widely used by Faculties in Engineering colleges. In Pudukkottai district, we have taken a total of 11 engineering colleges for the survey. The study was done through survey method. Out of 220 questionnaires distributed,200 questionnaires were collected,i.e.,83%.The results of the study reveal that the Use of Electronic information Resources by the Faculties of Pudukkottai district engineering colleges is effectively using for their teaching and research purpose. Parameters such as use of E-resources, purpose, use of E-resource, frequency of usage,

Place of using E-resources, use of E- Journals, place of E-resource access, reliability of

E-resources, assistance for using E-resources, barriers affecting E Resources and preference of using E-resources, use of e-reference sources and e-journal database consulted by users are analyzed and results are presented in this paper.

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