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Emotions play a major role in one’s life – professional, personal and other walks of life. Ignoring the triggers of emotions, one needs to maintain balance for a successful life. Here comes the individual’s ability to size up the situations and behave in an intelligent way. Thus, the authors have studied emotional intelligence of doctors and understand emotional dimensions such as self-awareness, self-management, empathy, motivation and relationship management. Higher the score on these dimensions higher is the emotional intelligence and consequently, ability to deal with emotional situations appropriately. Doctors who participated in a 2-day refresher course conducted by Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences, Narketpally, Nalgonda, Telangana on 4 January, 2015 have self-administered EI scale before the programme and after about one-and-a-half hour duration again the same scale. Self-administration of tool for the second time on the same group is to find out the impact of the lecture supplemented with PowerPoint presentation. Interestingly, the scores of many participants improved, but only a few of them showed a downward trend. Thus, it is concluded that, the knowledge about dimensions of emotional intelligence improves one’s self-awareness, self-management, empathy, motivation and relationship management.


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