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Design is the soul of any textile and clothing. It can give attractive getup to even an ordinary fabric. Innovation and creativity are the need of designing, so that the curiosity is always there and the buyers wait for the new product. Textile art is a canvas of our surrounding, nature, art styles, folk arts and contemporary subjects. An artist draws the inspiration from these and translates his vision in the form of designs. These sources play a crucial role in design development, as well as in deciding the colour schemes. The characteristics, forms and novelty of a design depend upon the way a designer looks at the inspiring subject. This study is based on the idea of creating innovative and original textile designs by using Banaras wall paintings as a source of inspiration. The basic theme is to produce something new and untouched by incorporating modern elements in the old tradition to suit the present market. It also throws light on this art & its motifs while detailing every aspect of it. These Banarasi murals are used as a source of inspiration with the objective to preserve this age old art through textile forms.

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