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Assam economy is based on agriculture, where around 85% people live in rural area and agriculture is the main occupation of the people of the state. But agriculture of the state is fully rainfed, farmers have lots of problems. Small farmer plays a significant role in the economy of the state. So the purpose of this study is to identify the problems of the small farmers of rural area of Assam with reference to the Dibrugarh district and try to put solution suggested by farmers This study is consists of primary data. Purposive random sampling technique is used to select the sample. Data are obtained by questionnaire, focus group discussion & personal interview of the small farmer. Major problem are found like small & fragmented land holdings, non availability of irrigation facilities, lack of awareness of government program, none availability of quality seeds, low crop intensity, poor transport system, lack of proper marketing facilities, inadequate storage facilities, lack of formal credit facilities, lack of training, natural calamities, lack of social recognition, lack of support from family members etc.. Solution suggested by the farmers such as provide irrigation, subsidize agriculture loan, pension to the small farmer, training of modern agriculture technology, cold warehouse etc.

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