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Groundwater assets are the chief wellspring of drinking water for around 50 percent of the United States populace. Groundwater assets are un-der expanding worry as there is a quick development in their use. Water supervisors need all the more convenient and exact information to evaluate groundwater conditions to oversee unfriendly circumstances, for example, dry spell and loss of pump age in agri-culture and household water supply. Right now groundwater scientists use remains solitary information logging hardware in a procedure which is work escalated and not effectively adaptable if the quantity of logging areas increments. Industrially accessible continuous information observing arrangements are either restrictively expensive or exceptionally resolute. In this paper we present a plan for a groundwater checking framework dependent on a system of remotely connected weight sensors. The proposed arrangement will empower groundwater specialists and chiefs to have snappy access to the groundwater information with less exertion and cost. In spite of the fact that our plan is at first implied for groundwater checking, it very well may be effectively adjusted to different fields of natural observing.

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