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In the new century, onwards the decade in which organizations have started to recognize the strategic
use of data, which can be refereed as a separate discipline, as that from operational use. The operational
databases have been basically designed to meet mission critical requirements of the On-Line Transaction
Processing and Batch Processing. The strategic data usage is basically require On-Line Query Processing
or Batch-intelligence gathering for decision support. In business systems efficiency is no longer a success
key factor, it has been replaced by flexibility and responsiveness. Also the emergence of communication
factor is to be added to this system. Due to the massive development in communication infrastructure the
transactions have been processed in real-time mode of business operations. The Organization which have
come to known the power of information are getting the stronger competitive advantage over their
competitors and the solution for this is Data Warehousing strategy.Due is emergence of data warehousing
the information value and usage is has been newly recognized. Data warehouses works as means for the
strategic data utilization. A data warehouse works as an integrated platform having the integrated data of
refined quality so as to support an executive decision maker by making usage of DSS or EIS like
applications. By making consolidation, conversion, transformation and integration of operational data and
by provision of a consistent view a Data Warehouse has been increased the productivity of executive
decision maker A senior decision maker is flavored very well by making wage of EIS applications, which
allows him to “slice & dice” the data as per their working style.

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