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With the advent and increased use of the internet, social media has become an integral part of people’s
daily routine. Social media is not only used to connect with others, but it has become an effective
platform for businesses to reach their target audience. With the emergence of big data, social media
marketing has reached an altogether new level. It is estimated that by 2020 the accumulated volume of
big data will reach 44 trillion gigabytes. With such an enormous amount of data available, marketers
are able to utilize it to get actionable insights for framing efficient social media marketing strategies.
The use of big data in social media has many aspects when it comes to marketing. A review of the recent
works is presented to obtain a broad perspective of the social media marketing using big data analytics.
The objective of this paper is to study current and future applications of big data analytics on social
media marketing, and to examine the impact it has created.

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