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The study explains mainly review, analysis and assessment of e-governance services used by rural
populace to fulfill their daily needs. To provide these services, GoI established NeGP in 2004 to provide
all the administrative services to the general public in the nearest locality, NeGP formed various Mission
Mode Projects (MMPs), Panchayat Raj institution is one of the MMPs to execute the eservices at rural
level. Author has tried to assess the use of e-governance services She has collected primary data from
rural populace of 34 grampnachayats of Palus Taluka through questionnaire.Evaluation of these eservices
is made as whether they are used or not. The data is analyzed with the differential statistics ,
normality test, non parametric Chi-square test. Frequency is calculated for the certificates used by the
selected respondents. Author considered a threshold criterion for this percent utilization of the frequency
and accordingly she has categorized the services as more utilized services & underutilized services. The
reason is studied behind less use of these e-services. People are not aware of the all e-services.
Awareness program must be conducted by grampanchayat. People must be educated to make use of eservices
through documentary, short films, dashboards. Author has built the modified framework with
user friendly interface & extra facilities like citizen login, Search facility, categorization of e-services.

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