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Social world isa term by which we frequently used to ‘universes of discourse’ through common symbols, organizations, and activities and also involve cultural areas which need not be physically bounded. The TG and MSM Community is self-conscious in their social world. The concept has a long but vague history in symbolic interactionism and is discussed most clearly by Anselm Strauss (in Norman Denzin's edited Studies in Symbolic Interaction, 1978).   Transgender and Men who have sex with men (MSM)is a population of at- risk due to their social environment. These population is marginalized in social group and also targeted for mistreatment and discrimination by other group of people. These people (MSM & TG) have an own community and they create a different way of living environment for their lives. They are used a different language and symbols for interaction to each other. In the social world of TG & MSM is very special for other because other community people did not understand of their symbols, signs and way of language. TG & MSM person may not be want recognized by other people. So they are used a different way of interaction. Culture of MSM and TG is also different from another people and community. The society of other people did not know the norms and culture of MSM & TG Community.The exchange of meaning through the language and symbols is a way by which people make sense of their own social world.

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