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The Kashmir conflict emerged right after the partition of British India in 1947. Both India and Pakistan claimed their legitimacy over it while the people of Kashmir staking a claim of right to self determination. The armed conflict in Kashmir started in 1989 which led to gross human rights violations in Kashmir. Both state and non-state armed actors started to commit gross human rights violations in the form of killings, mass rapes, fake encounters, extortions, enforced disappearances, blinding with pellets etc. Many international Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) like Amnesty International, Red Cross society, Asia watch have highlighted the human rights issue in Kashmir. They make reports and give suggestions to the government and to other concerned authorities. This study will analyse the human rights record in Kashmir and the role of Amnesty International in Kashmir.  The researcher made an attempt to understand and examine the role played by the Amnesty International for the protection and promotion of human rights in Kashmir.

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