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Today, we all are living in a PLASTIC ERA .With the advancement of technology in our life; we had developed a 'use and throw' culture which is becoming a serious problem for our planet. Nowadays, many of the daily usable items are either completely made of plastic or their major part is made of plastic. And we people are continuously using it without worrying about its drawbacks .It is very dangerous for our environment. Its production emits many harmful chemicals which create air pollution and on using this, the waste is discarded to environment whether by throwing into rivers or oceans or incinerated or dumping to open landfills. In all the three ways, it is very harmful for our beautiful planet Earth .If we dump the used plastic to landfills than stray animals could eat it which choke them to death and the plastic pollutes the land too. When it is incinerated or burnt it causes many harmful gases and pollutes our environment and if it is dumped into the ocean then it is dangerous for the aquatic animals. So, in all the situations it is dangerous for our environment.

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