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English Language Teaching (ELT) is based on the idea that the goal of language developing is communicative skill. It adopts concepts, techniques and methods in classroom for recognizing and managing the communicative needs of the language learners. The English language teaching tradition has remarkable changes, particularly throughout the twentieth century. Perhaps more than any other discipline, this tradition has been practiced, in various adaptations, in language classrooms all around the world for centuries. As there are some milestones in the development of this tradition, which we will briefly touch upon, The need for communication has been persistent, leading to the emergence of the Communicative Language Teaching. Having defined and redefined the construct of communicative competence; having explored the vast array of functions of language that learners are supposed to be able to accomplish; and having probed the nature of styles and nonverbal communication, teachers and researchers are now better equipped to teach about communication through actual communication, not merely theorising about it. In this stage, we should say that Communicative Language Teaching is not a method; it is an approach, which transcends the boundaries of concrete methods and, parallel, techniques. It is a theoretical position about the nature of language and language learning and teaching.

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