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Work performance of married women in all sectors is gaining the dominant place today. The personality of the partner, childbirth and social status are the factors that influence the women’s profession. In India, it is believed that women should take care of the entire family, especially child brought up. So, the women themselves do not prefer go to for a job. But in recent years, the number of women going to jobis keep increasing. This is because that some women have great passion who really want to make use of the knowledge they gained in their studies. Moreover, the increasing need of the family drives them into seeking a job. However, the event “marriage” plays a significant role in the livelihood of women. This paper presents a case study which analyzed the women’s career after marriage using big data techniques. Data were collected from the public of Theni and Dindigul area using a set of questioner and were analyzed using Apriori Algorithm in R tool.

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