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Like any business system, computer systems are also subjected to be victim of unwelcomed threats,
arises intentionally or accidentally. Due to these organization members are in very much tense about
their data and services. Also different stakeholders are only relying on the security mechanism
implemented by organization for their valuable data. If any organization fails to maintain faith of
their stakeholders, may suffer huge financial loss and may compel to face different legal problems.
Researcher has explored current status of different security mechanism installed, awareness level
about computer security threats, mechanism and impacts about security violence in selected sugar
units. This research will facilitate to create awareness of maintaining security for valuable assets of
organization and the prescription proposed by researcher would assist sugar units to improve the
security mechanism as well as the faith of stakeholders. The study will also help organizations to
prepare themselves with latest skills and techniques to defend against different threats by formulating
and setting the security policies and procedures.

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