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Internet of Things (IoT) gives us ability to convert real world objects into smart virtual objects. With
these smart objects we get ability to collect continuous data, analyze it and respond according to
situation and requirement. With emerging Cloud Services and Artificial Intelligence (AI) we get
ability to create such object which can understand context and respond accordingly. IoT in healthcare
sector can be a game changer. Hospitals in India are always under pressure to provide accurate, cost
effective and efficient way to provide better diagnosis and services to vast array of patients. IoT
assisted Resource Management can lead to cost effective and efficient Hospital Management System.
IoT enabled Health Monitoring System can help to collect better data for diagnosis as well as timely
treatment of diseases.This paper aims to study various aspects of Hospital Management System where
use of IoT is applicable through extensive literature review. It also focus on aspects of IoT like
architecture, environmental factors, efficiency and effectiveness. Further this study extended to
includes use of Sensors, Network Technology, Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing along with
IoT for efficient usage in hospitals in India.

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