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The recommender system emerged over the last decades to recommend the contents to users based on
their previous choices or actions. It is a part of the information-retrieval system and can be taken as a
powerful alternative for blindly searching the books in digital libraries. This system helps the users to
find the best contents of their choice by showing the all possible best relevant contents on the internet. It
doesn’t only attempt to present the contents to user that would be of interest of them but also makes
searching contents on internet simpler and faster for the users. In libraries, it is a complete challenge for
the readers to search the books with required contents, so by the use of hashing techniques and both
content-based and collaborative-based techniques, this recommender system is going to suggest books to
users with most reference and their implicit and explicit ratings by the other users. This paper tries to
implement a recommender system by using data science using Python.

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