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There was a provision for only two accepted genders everywhere in the world – the males and the females. But in the recent past the category of third gender is also identified and classified as one of the accepted in some parts of the world. Till 2011, Indian Census never gave recognition to the Transgender Community, but 2011 became the first census accounting of third gender persons in India. ‘Hijra’ is a term used in South Asia – particularly in India and Pakistan – to refer to transgender individuals who are born male, but being neither completely male nor female. The term commonly advocated for them is khwaja sira, khusras, zenanas (cross-dresser) or enunch. The total population of transgender’s is estimated around 4.88 lakh, which included 4137 transgender’s in Jammu and Kashmir as per the 2011 census. In April 2014, the Supreme Court in India gave them recognition in law. But in the State of Jammu and Kashmir, they still are living as ostracized and marginalized community. They face precarious and traumatized gender based violence which continues as human rights violation against their safety, stability, prestige, self-respect, freedom, health and development.

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