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Employee satisfaction is essential to ensure higher revenues for the organization. No amount of trainings or motivation would help, unless and until individuals develop a feeling of attachment and loyalty towards their organization. Employees waste half of their time fighting with their counter parts or sorting out issues with them. Satisfied employees are the happy employees who willingly help their fellow workers and cooperate with the organization even during emergency situations. Such employees do not think of leaving their jobs during crisis but work hard together as a single unit to overcome challenges and come out of the situation as soon as possible. For them, their organization comes first, everything else later. They do not come to office just for money but because they really feel for the organization and believe in its goals and objectives. Satisfied employees also spread positive word of mouth and always stand by each other. Instead of wasting their time in gossiping and loitering around they believe in doing productive work eventually benefitting the organization. They take pride in representing their respective organizations and work hard to ensure higher revenues for the organization.

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