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Ramayana is nourished on variants that contextualize different world-views of particular segments of society. The composition of variants was triggered by social norms, social relations and obligations, gender, ethics of conduct, right and wrong aspect of human activity.  The multitude of differing versions shows centuries of questioning within the tradition that has two keynotes: multiplicity and accommodating questioning. This is what sustains the tradition over time and space. Valmiki, was perhaps a soft hearted person who sketched Sita's character as a symphonic incarnation of exquisiteness, sensitivity of heart, profusion of empathy, loyalty, insight of the rightest type, bravery of heart, and fortitude, that assisted her well in continuously proclaiming herself for her right. The Ramayana stories in their different versions are also replete with instances of Sita questioning the injustices she witnessed.

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