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    This article explores the impact of cash to cashless economy on the agriculture sector of our country where 75% of the people directly or indirectly involved in agriculture business. In India the cashless economy was broke through on 8th November 2016 the exact day of Demonetization. As of now in urban and rural areasthere has been ample scope to initialize the digital platform among farmers. Cash to cashless economy has made many farmers to changeover to digital platforms like RML Ag tech, Agro star,agrihuba and Bighaat, which are the digital platforms, provides services and products to the farmers. Even though farmers can call the son of the soil, agriculture is considered to be the backbone of India,their situation is critical after demonetization. Since it’s rendered the farmers incapable of purchasing seeds and fertilizers for their winter crops. Thus rather than analyzing the cash to cashless and its impact to the agrarian economy. This paper is an attempt to understand e effectdemonetization had an India’s the cashless economy and its impact on agriculture sector. Also in this isstudy based on secondary data,which is descriptive in nature and all the relevant all information gathered from journals, various magazines, books and websites.

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