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Agropreneur is defined as an entrepreneur who uses agriculture to build a business. The term ‘agropreneurship’ reminds us that even the smallest-scale farmers are business-people.Dollinger (2003) defines entrepreneurship in agriculture as the creation of innovative economic organization for the purpose of growth or gain under conditions of risk and uncertainty in agriculture. Women have very hectic life. Her work starts from dawn and ends at dusk. The daily routine work begins from house cleaning, fetching drinking water, dish washing, laundry, preparing food for family, care of children, tailoring and sewing clothes. She manages these activities very smartly and actively.”This paper attempts to find the mettle power of women as a agropreneurMs.Sivaranjanithe promoter of, Amoto – A handmade organic skincare products followed with direct interview method, to identify the interest of women in carrying out a own enterprise with the factor inducing her to start a business in agricultural components, and to recapitulate her socio-economic status. The sampling design used for the study is, Expert sampling is a type of purposive sampling technique that is used when your research needs to glean knowledge from individuals that have particular expertise.

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