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Consumer buying is not mere transfer of item from seller to buyer. Consumers like to see touch and feel the commodities that they want buy. Consumers are individuals and households who buy the firm’s product for their personal consumption.The activities taken by a consumer when obtaining, consuming and disposing of products and services is known as Consumer behaviour. It involves studying how people buy, what they buy, when they buy and why they buy. The behaviour of consumers during the purchase is being termed as Buying Behaviour. The price and brand of the products play an important role in the buying decision. A change in   the price of a particular brand affects the buying decisions of the consumers. Future expectations about price changes can be another influential factor. The brand in itself plays a vital role in shaping an image about the products in the minds of the consumer. Manufacturers attract the consumers by making advertisements, price offers, etc.,Consumers while buying a product consider many factors. In majority of the family female are the decision makers in buying things. Female, decides the things that are needed for their family and purchases those products. But how far in Mobile Phones? How do they purchase mobile phones? What factors influence them to purchase Mobile Phones?. This article paves a way for these questions.

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