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Religion is deeply connected with society; we learn what is morally good and what is bad. It helps in shaping the different communities and integrates nation. Ethno linguistic relation of community influences religious feelings. In cultural preservation religion, play very important. Religion also helps in establishing relationship between society and culture. Hinduism and Buddhism as culture blend with the ideas of living their religion faith rather than defining it. People faith cannot be blame on syncertizing two religion, because traditions and strong roots of culture are more relevant than theological spirit. It is not enough to attend Buddhist temple and meditated to become Buddhist. It is not enough to read Bhagavad-Gita to become Hindu. Religions are community and population because it is where we are born and brought up with no intention. On other hand, we can say that culture is no different from religion both are linked with each other. Thus, we can say that Hinduism and Buddhism are more culturally united than spiritually. Before going deep into the main topic of discussion about Hinduism and Buddhism, I, like to highlight few lines about Syncretism, its meaning and definitions. How it help in establishing syncretism between Hinduism and Buddhism.    

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