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Trauma is a psychological injury that can be caused by the experience of victimisation and violence including sexual abuse, physical abuse, severe neglect, loss, domestic violence or the witnessing of violence, terrorism or disasters. Etymologically word “trauma” referred to a physical injury inflicted on the body rather than on the mind, but later on the meaning changed from the physical injury to psychological one. In other sense trauma can also refer to a physical or, mechanical injury inflicted on the body. It can occur due to a negative psychological effect such as an emotional shock caused by a stressful event. trauma refers to both the negative occasions that produce trouble and to the pain itself. Actually, Trauma alludes just to the occasion, not the response, and ought to be saved for significant occasions that are mentally overpowering for a person.The specific definition of trauma propounded by Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders; American Psychological Associationis:

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