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In the field of agriculture systems, the collection of automated data, as well as the development of
technological innovations like intelligent crop cultivation systems and new patterns in Decision Support
Systems (DSS), have ascended to new applications and techniques for existing decision support
innovations. Today, agriculture needs a versatile system that responds and adjusts to the continually
changing agricultural prices, weather patterns and water dam levels. The typical decision support
systems are depends on the weather patterns; that isn't sufficient. We need more precision for better
output. That’s why we need to investigate more about which supportive pattern will help the farmers as
well as stakeholders to take their decisions near to correct. In this review paper we are going to
investigate how the previous DSS are working in current situation. DSS consolidate human aptitudes with
the capacities of PCs to give effective administration of information, detailing the investigation,
demonstrating, and arranging issues. DSS gives a differentiation between organized, semi-organized and
unstructured information. Specifically, a DSS lessens the amount of information to a top-notch organized
sum. Because of this, predictions are made to help the Crop Cultivation Process. Additionally, the
objective of this review is to dodge issues inside the development procedure even before ranchers furrow
for Kharif and Rabbi. This paper gives a review of the state - of - the-workmanship literature on DSS and
portrays current procedures of significant DSS applications in present conditions.

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