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The purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast the two poems with similar names_ “Daffodils” which is a simple word that reminds about the arrival of the spring season. A bunch of daffodils symbolize the joys and happiness of life. Both the poems are about the comparison between man and nature.The poems are very different inthe terms of the way daffodils influence the writer’s state of mind. The poems have contrasting content and theme. Wordsworth’s poem tells a story about a lonely man walking, when he saw a field full of daffodils and he became happy and overjoyed. Robert Herrick laments at the situation as the daffodils bloom and very soon depart from the mortal world.There are various different stylistic features in the two poems. Both poems are rich in the use of simile, personification, hyperbole and enjambment.The use of figures of speech strengthens the visual image of the poems.

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