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Transformation is a never ending phenomenon of universe. Every society and its intuitions have been getting transformed since thousands of years. Various factors become responsible for every transformation. Banking industry of India is in the phase of transformation since its evolution. This process of transformation was motivated by various factors time to time. This sector   has changed its way of operations after the introduction of Information technology. Internet banking, Mobile banking, credit/Debit cards, ATMs, Tele-banking etc. e-delivery channels have been introduced by the banks to perform various functions by its customers as well as their employees. As a result of it the ways of the banking has been changed in the economy. Digital India, Paper less banking, 24 hour banking etc. are the concepts launched by the Indian government are the result of these e-delivery channels. But the question rises how this transformation is conceived by all the sections of the society. India is known as an economy primarily based on rural section of the society. There is a big question, how this transformation of banking is perceived by the customers of banks in rural and semi-urban areas?  Present research paper is an empirical study of bank customers of rural and urban areas regarding the transformation of banking industry. It addresses various questions like, How do customers take this transformation? How can this transformation be acclimatize ? This empirical study based on rural and semi-urban bank customers is an effort to determine the pace and direction of transformation of banking in rural and semi-urban areas through e-delivery channels.

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